This type of tea has been consumed, for generations, by women in Asian countries due to the benefits it had for their health. Now you can take it wherever you want, with the pyramid format

First the version made from natural products triumphed, later the organic version and now, we launched the pyramid format with the aim that you can drink this delicious organically produced tea in the most comfortable way and in the place you want. All you have to do is carry your tea bag discreetly in your bag or inside one of our small tea cans and your desire to drink green tea with organic jasmine will be fulfilled whenever you want.
A tea that provides great benefits for both health, especially women's health, but also for the care of our skin naturally and daily. And both green tea and jasmine are characterized by their level of antioxidants, which causes cells to renew and improve the condition of our skin, not to mention reducing the risks of suffering from different types of cancer.
Another level that this tea reduces is cholesterol, helping you keep it at bay. Try drinking 2 to 3 cups a day (unless your doctor does not recommend drinking green tea for other reasons) and you will see how your health improves. It also regulates circulation, so if it is bad in your case, it could improve by frequently drinking this aromatic and refreshing tea that can be consumed all year round, whether hot or cold.
Furthermore, if you are having a bad day full of nerves, anxiety or stress, drinking a cup of organic jasmine green tea will help you relax, since several studies have shown that jasmine is good for reducing heart rate.