After the success of its original version, you can now drink organically produced genmaicha green tea. With the same flavor and qualities, but of higher quality, it contains little theine and is restorative and energizing. Ideal to take in the morning or after doing sports.

Genmaicha green tea or popcorn tea, as it is commonly called in English-speaking countries (Corn Tea), is a very special tea, on the one hand because, in addition to being made with organically produced sencha green tea, and of the highest quality, it also contains toasted rice, something that caused it to be rejected for years in its country of origin, until they realized that, in reality, rice highlights the flavor of this tea, in addition to providing it with new benefits.
On the other hand, it is a tea with very little theine, so it can be drunk practically all day long. One of its main characteristics is that it is energizing and restorative, which is why many people take it to start the day with energy or to regain strength after exercising.
In addition, it is a tea with some mineral content, highlighting magnesium, calcium, potassium and fluoride, the latter helping to take care of oral health, like many of our green teas. In fact, it has been proven that people who drink this type of tea reduce their chances of getting cavities. Magnesium, for its part, makes this tea used, especially in its country of origin, Japan, to treat sleep or anxiety disorders.
Finally, it is worth mentioning that the restorative effect provided by drinking a cup of this genmaicha green tea makes it possible to overcome fatigue, in addition to improving the condition of people who suffer from mild depression.