Black Tea Dreams of the Organic Mediterranean

Si quieres comprar té con mucha personalidad, sabor fuerte, del que destaca el de la naranja, que también se puede percibir sutilmente en su aroma natural. Cargado de vitaminas y con propiedades antioxidantes y astringentes, es ideal para reforzar nuestras defensas.

                                                certificado ecologico

Ability: 100 gr.
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    • Black tea
    • orange peel
    • natural flavor
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    Productos certificados, Orgánicos y Naturales

    Black Tea Dreams of the Organic Mediterranean

    Black Tea Dreams of the Organic Mediterranean


    Black Tea Dreams of the Organic Mediterranean

    Ability: 100 gr.

    If you want to buy tea with a lot of personality, a strong flavor, of which orange stands out, which can also be perceived subtly in its natural aroma. Loaded with vitamins and with antioxidant and astringent properties, it is ideal for strengthening our defenses.

    certificado ecologico

    When buying black tea at Aromas de Té we opt for natural and ecological. We know well all the benefits that nature can provide to improve human health, as well as their general well-being and, of course, we consider that if these products that nature gives us have been produced in an ecological way, their quality will be even greater.

    Some time ago we discovered that the orange not only provides benefits if we consume it in a traditional way, but that its peel also has great properties, which also provides a flavor with a touch between acid and citrus to our teas. That is why we wanted to combine the benefits, flavor and aroma of orange peel with those of black tea , resulting in this spectacular organic black tea dreams of the organic Mediterranean.

    As we said, orange peel has important benefits for our health such as: promoting digestion, helping to reduce cholesterol, it is rich in natural antioxidants, providing an important dose of minerals and, therefore, acting against common infections, natural and without side effects.

    If you are on a diet, both orange peel and organic black tea , which has antioxidant, astringent and diuretic properties, will also help you lose weight. Remember to always drink it in moderation and do not exceed 2 or 3 cups a day.

    Elige tu ingrediente favorito Black Tea
    Notas de cata Citric
    Efectos Concentration
    Tiempo de infusión 3 to 5 min.
    Momento ideal Snack "Tea at 5
    Ingredientes Black tea, orange peel, natural flavor
    Cantidad 1 Small Tablespoon
    Temperatura 100ºC
    Gluten Without gluten
    Productor Aromas de Té SL Calle San Quintín, 6 45100 Sonseca (Toledo) - B45853447
    Registro sanitario RS 25.003070/TO
    Conservación Store in a cool, dry place
    Procedencia European Union
    Energía 0.2 kcal/ 2kJ
    Grasas Less than 0.5g
    Grasas saturadas Less than 0.1g
    Hidratos de carbono Less than 0.5g
    Azúcares Less than 0.1 gr.
    Proteínas Less than 0.5g
    Sales minerales Less than 0.001g
    Valor nutricional Values ​​expressed per cup
    Teína-cafeína With Theine
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