This type of tea, in addition to enjoying a very high level of quality and being organically grown, is very special and not easy to find. Its flavor stands out, very different from the Kukicha that we offered until now, since the roasting process gives it notes that are reminiscent of coffee and cocoa.

Both Kukicha and Bancha are two types of tea varieties that are very special and enjoy prestige inside and outside the countries where they are produced, for their quality, in addition to all the benefits of consuming them regularly. and moderate they contribute to the body.
In this case we wanted to go further and in our desire to bring you unique and very special varieties, we have included in our online store this new variety of organic tea cultivation, which differs greatly from the kukicha that we knew until now.
To begin with, when you buy kukicha tea you will see that its appearance is completely different, since it is no longer fine green sticks, but rather its appearance is much rougher and dark brown. This also influences its color when it is infused, since it will not be as transparent as the one we knew until now.
But if something distinguishes this kukicha from the teas we knew until now, it is its roasting process, which is precisely responsible for giving it a very different, intense flavor reminiscent of coffee and dark chocolate. In this way, it leaves aside the herbal flavor of traditional kukicha.
In addition, it has a large amount of trace elements, which is very beneficial for health, since it is a true source of minerals, improving aspects such as the regulation of hormonal processes, helping to prevent diabetes and losing weight.
Furthermore, as it contains almost no theine, it can be taken practically at any time of the day, without fear of suffering from insomnia.